South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

MIRPUR (AJK)-United Nations independent expert Alfred de Zayas has expressed his dismay over the non implementation of UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir which, he observed, clear violation of the international obligations.

Speaking at a seminar on the sideline of 35th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Saturday, he advised the activists to keep pressing for their rights and never lose heart, says a message reaching here from Geneva Saturday evening.
Besides the UN independent expert on the promotion of equitable democratic international order, British historian Victoria Scofield, Kashmir Institute of international Relations (KIIR) Executive Director Sardar Amjad Yousaf, representative BADIL Madi UN also spoke on the occasion.

Eminent Kashmiri human rights activist and representative of WMC Altaf Hussain Wani moderated session. The speakers called for immediate implementation of UN resolutions on Kashmir for its settlement without further loss of time for lasting peace in south Asia.
Victoria Scofield British historian and author of ‘Kashmir Conflict, India and Pakistan an Unending War’, gave on the occasion historical back ground of dispute. She urged the world community to come forward to end the miseries of people of Kashmir. She said it was very sad that the world community was not paying heed to Kashmir it deserves. Kashmir valley is on boil and India continues using military might to crush the people’s will. She called for immediate resumption of dialogues between India and Pakistan and stressed for the inclusion of Kashmiri in the process.

KIIR Executive Director Sardar Amjad Yousaf gave a detailed account of sufferings of the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Altaf Hussain Wani thanked UN expert and other panelists and representative present in the seminar for showing their support and solidarity to the people of Kashmir under the Indian subjugated.

At the end a documentary on the rights violation of Indian occupied Kashmir was screened. It called for the implementation of UN resolutions on Kashmir for early grant of the right to self-determination, the message added.


Updated On: June 11, 2017