South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

By Rifthi Ali

The proposed Local Government Amendment would suppress minority voices, Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) Eastern Province Councillor K.M. Jawad said yesterday.

Councilor K.M. Jawad told Daily Mirror that voting in favour or boycotting this motion means the same.

“The proposed Local Government Amendment cannot be submitted in a special meeting and cannot be taken for voting”, he said.

“We had decided to hold next council meeting on 26th but then advanced it to 19th, which was again postponed to 26th. Now they have decided to hold a meeting on the 19th. Council did not send us invitations prior to seven days before the meeting. They invite us through the phone. Councillors did not get any such documents about proposed Local Government Amendment about the meeting going to be held tomorrow”, SLMC Councilor Jawad said. “With this reasons how can we participate in the debate tomorrow without proper knowledge about the amendment? In the special meeting we can not take the special motion for voting” Mr. Jawad said. Eastern PC Chairman H.M.M.Faiz said that they already had sent the documents about the proposed Local Government Amendment and tomorrow’s meeting agenda by post. “We had decided to hold next council meeting on 19th. After that we changed the date to October 26. President Mahinada Rajapaksa asked all provincial council to submit this amendment within 10 days. If president asks, what can we do?”  Faiz said.

Source: Daily Mirror – 18.10.2010