South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

By Amadoru Amarajeewa

Persons who refuse to settle on land provided by the government will be struck off the ‘displaced persons’ list, Eastern Province Governor Rear Admiral Mohan Jayawickrema said yesterday.

Mr. Jayawickerma said under international conventions persons who are provided with land, housing and other facilities can no longer be considered ‘displaced’.

“The displaced fall into three categories, namely squatters on state land, land permit holders and owners of private land,” he said, speaking to officials on resettling displaced persons in Sampur

Owners of private land will be paid compensation after examining the deeds. However, squatters should not, under any circumstance, refuse to settle on land provided by the government. In the case of land permit holders, the government has the right to acquire the land if required, after providing alternative land.

Additional Secretary to the Ministry of Resettlement M. Naimudeen, Trincomalee GA Major General Ranith De Silva, Divisional Secretary S. Selvanayagam, Provincial Land Commissioner D.D. Anura Dharmadasa and several senior police and security force personnel attended the meeting.

Source: Daily Mirror – 10.09.2011