South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

By Lakna Paranamanna

Teachers and principals expressed their concern over non-implementation of the rulings given by the Human Rights Commission (HRC) with concern to complaints made by various officials of the education sector.

The complaining education sector officials pointed out that a large number of HRC decisions which were given upon conducting hearings have not been implemented by the relevant authorities yet and added that some date back to over a year.

Ceylon Teachers Union (CTU) General Secretary Joseph Stalin told Daily Mirror that most of the judgments given with regard to complaints made against politically influenced appointments have not been implemented and added that some judgments are several years old.

“In 2009, a complaint was made to the HRC regarding the appointment of several unqualified individuals to certain positions of the North Central Province education sector under complaint number HRC/ap/016/2009 (w). Instructions were given by the HRC on August 8 to the North Central Province education authorities to remove the irregular appointees and appoint qualified personnel into the vacant positions.

However, until now no such changes have been made and the irregular appointees are continuing work,” Stalin said.

Mr. Stalin pointed out that the teachers resorted to making complaints in the HRC because they had faith for their grievances would be answered. Speaking further he added that the Education Ministry should ensure that the HRC decisions are properly implemented.

Source: The Daily Mirror – 03.03.2011