South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Tuesday said that the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has today directed the state government to transfer incarcerated chairperson of Dukhtaran I Millat Syeda Asiya Andrabi to any jail in Kashmir.

The JKLF spokesman in a statement said that in another case relating to the petition, seeking impartial investigation in cases of 15 incarcerated youth implicated in Police officer Muhammad Ayub Pandit’s lynching, Additional Advocate General and CPO SHRC seek one week to file the report and case was listed for next hearing on 11-10.2017.

He said that Malik who is the petitioner in both these cases, himself presented before SHRC.

“From Government side, Additional Advocate General M M Khan and CPO Mumtaz Saleem were present in the court of chairperson SHRC justice Bilal Nazki who after hearing both the parties issued orders,” he said.

It is worth to mention that on 18th September 2017, Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Muhammad Yasin Malik visited the office of state human rights commission (SHRC) and met with the chairman justice(R) Bilal Nazki. With two separate petitions.

In one of the petitions, JKLF chairman had cited the case of ailing Syeda Asiya Andrabi and Fahmida Sofi who are languishing in Amphala Jail Jammu from a long time. Yasin Malik asked SHRC to take note of the fact that ailing ladies have been incarcerated and then shifted to Jammu jail which is actually against all laws and norms. In another petition JKLF chairman citing the cases of 15 young boys are languishing in Srinagar central jail who have been implicated in lynching of DSP Muhammad Ayub Pandit.

Malik in his petition asked Human rights commission to order impartial investigation in the matter of these young boys who according to them are being falsely charged and implicated in this case.

These cases were listed for hearing today and chairman SHRC issued his orders.

Meanwhile, Malik expressed his heartfelt grief and sorrow over the sad demise of Showkat Ahmad Rah of Kani Mazar NawaKadal who met an accident recently and breathed his last today.


Updated On: October 04, 2017