South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

24 November 2014

Kathmandu, Nepal 

Jatin Desai providing the introduction to the Parliamentarians Forum

Overview on the SAHR Recommendations and its Relevance to the Forum

Raising issues on SAARC and SAHR Recommendations
of the Parliament Watch in the National Parliament 

Hon. Afrasiab Khattak (Senator) from Pakistan 

Hon. Bibi Hameda Yousafi (Member of Parliament) from Afghanistan 

Hon. Shirin Akhter (Member of Parliament) from Bangladesh

Hon. Imthiyaz Fahmy (Member of Parliament) from the Maldives

Hon. Ali Hussein (MP) from the Maldives 

Hon. Min BK (MP) from Nepal

Ms. Shanthini Kongahage from Sri Lanka


Comments and queries from the participants
at the Parliamentarians’ Forum 


 Please visit the below link for the images of the event.

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