South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

The 27th session of the 13th National Assembly of Pakistan continued for 12 working days covering eight days in December (20-31) and four days in January (January 3-7, 2011). Earlier, the Prime Minister of the Peoples Republic of China, His Excellency Wen Jiabao, addressed the joint session of the parliament on December 19, 2010.

Legislation, call attention notices, resolutions and discussions on issues of public interest have been on the agenda of the House in this month. Among other important business of the House, two items on the agenda are concerned with human rights. One of them is a Calling Attention Notice regarding the non issuance of visas to Sikh pilgrims and the other is the passing of “The Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill 2010.”

The report could be downloaded at