South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

A large number of Pakistani Christians from parts of Europe, including women and children, held a protest march in Geneva to demand equal rights in Pakistan. They strongly raised voice against the blasphemy law, forced conversion of Christian and Hindu girls and lack of education. Holding banners demanding “Stop human rights violations against Christians in Pakistan” and “Abolish Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan”, they started protest march from Palais Wilson, the headquarters of the Office of the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights, and concluded it at Broken Chair, in front of the UN office in Geneva. The protesters were later joined from Member of European Parliament and other human rights defenders. Dr Robinson Asghar, a Pakistani Christian leader said, “Be it Christian persecution in Pakistan or any kind of persecution anywhere in the world, we condemn that. The main reason of persecution is blasphemy laws which are misused in Pakistan and the misuse of laws has naturally been great concern for all Pakistanis and we are here to protest against that.” The women protesters from the Christian community also participated in large number. Many believe that Christian girls are facing challenges because of illiteracy.


Updated On: 21 September 2019