South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

Published in The Pakistan Christian Post on Feb. 11 ::

South Asia Partnership Pakistan (SAP_PK) and REAT Networks have jointly formed alliance of civil society Organization CSOs meeting on 10 February 2014 at Indus hotel Hyderabad. The main Objectives of Meeting were to promote and protect the rights of religious minorities through taking collective efforts for reducing the violation of Human rights, to Promote rights of expression, association and thoughts (REAT) and to develop pressure for legislation on force conversion issue of religious minorities in Sindh. The meeting attended by SAP_PK, REAT Network of Pakistan, IRDAO, Sindh Hari Porihiat Council, Human rights commission of Pakistan, Village development Organization , Village community development organization , Bhnadar Hai Sangat, Community Development Foundation ,Church World Services , Bhitt Shah Deceleration Coordination Council , SERACH Hyderabad, Sindh Development Society, Mehergarh Society ,National commission for justice and peace and other CSOs all agreed to make alliance for promotion and protection of REAT and Issues of religious minorities in Pakistan.

Ms. Shahnaz Sheed SAP_PK gave presentation on aims and objectives of alliance Building Meeting and said that CSOs will play leading role in promotion and protection of human rights especially religious minority and report the issues of human rights in Sindh . She said that this alliance will raise the voice for injustice and protection of religious minorities and human rights issues will be highlighted by CSOs.

Mr. Jan odhano said that we need alliance for taking the issues of human rights and rights of socially excluded community. He said that southern parts of Sindh are captured in extremism and terrorism which is increasing for reducing the violation of human rights in Sindh. He said that Hindu are threatened and helpless and their rights are not provided. He said that we have need alliance for promotion of human rights and counter religious extremism in Pakistan.

Dr Ahothma Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said that Non-Muslim communities are demanding for equal citizen rights which are alienated and provided by Citizen of Pakistan. He said we are highly discriminated on shops, restaurants, hotels, offices and other workplaces in Pakistan; we are not dealt as citizen of Pakistan and not provided equal opportunities rights in Pakistan. So that, we are demanding from Pakistan to provide equal opportunities and rights according to law.

Mr. Punhal Sario Sindh Hari Porihiat Council gave concluded remarks and said that this consortium / alliance for human rights is deviated from dream and focusing on religions discussion. He said that we have transferred our view for human rights and peace for social justice in Sindh. He said that we have to struggle for rights of common without any religious discrimination. It was decided that next meeting of alliance will be held on March 10.


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