South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

The Minister of Women’s Affairs Dilbar Nazari said Wednesday that the ministry is intending to introduce 10 women to Afghan Ulema Council.

Speaking during a ceremony to mark the International Day for the elimination of violence against women, Minister Nazari said the Afghan women continue to face issues despite numerous projects have been implemented to improve the condition of the women.

Calling on the government leaders to support the law on elimination of violence against women, Nazari said the government must step up efforts to ascertain the main motives leading to violence against women.

She also urged for the censorship of the identities of the victims of violence against women, specifically those facing sexual violence and are raped.

In the meantime, Chief Executive Abdullah said the persistent violence against women will bar them from providing care to their family and children.

Admitting that the women face difficulties to pursue justice for the violence they face, Abdullah said the current situation being faced by the women is not acceptable as he insisted on a national mobilization to resolve the issue.

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani in his turn said the issue of violence against women is serious and called on the Afghan people to start a campaign in elimination of violence against women, emphasizing that the issue is against the Islamic teachings and law.

He said the Afghan women are also the first class citizens of the country, similar as men and called on Ulemas to include the campaign in eliminating violence against women in their agenda and start awareness regarding the issue via mosques and other religious gatherings.

Updated On: Nov 23 2016