South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) Muhammad Zamir has said efforts are underway to include right to information issues in the secondary, higher secondary and madrasa level textbooks.

“We have to make common people aware of their constitutional rights to information to attain the objectives of Information Commission,” he said.

The commissioner was speaking at a discussion on the implementation of the Right to Information Act with the representatives of print media at the commission’s conference room yesterday.

The CIC said he has already discussed the matter of including some chapter on human rights issues in school, college and madrasa education syllabus with high level policy making bodies and individuals.

They favoured the idea and accepted the proposal in principle, he said.

Zamir underlined the role of news media and sought cooperation from them to attain the major objectives of the commission. He informed the journalists about various successes attained by the commission within a short period of time.

Information Secretary Kamal Abdul Naser informed the meeting that the ministry has taken a Taka 10 crore project to train up the information officers under the Mass Communication Department and Press Institute of Bangladesh.

No programme would be successful without a strong political will of the government, he said.

In this connection he referred to the commitment of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for establishing a digital Bangladesh and said the success attained by the information commission within a very short period bears the testimony to the sincere gestures and strong pledges of the prime minister and her government.

A power-point display on future action plan of the commission, particularly on its proposed web-portal, was shown at the very outset of the meeting.

Prof Sadequa Halim, Information Commission Secretary Nepal Chandra Sarker spoke on the occasion among others.

Senior media personalities also took part in the discussion.

Source: The Daily Star – 12.10.2010