South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

India’s ruling BJP party says Prime Minister Narendra Modi is focused on addressing the issues faced by Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Muralidhar Rao, national general secretary of the BJP, said that during the past one year since coming to power, the BJP government under Modi had also looked at resolving the fishermen issue involving Sri Lanka and India, the New Indian Express reported.

“He was the first PM to visit Jaffna in Northern Lanka. The Prime Minister made efforts personally for the release of five Tamil Nadu fishermen who faced capital punishment in the island nation,” he said and added that the government was making consistent efforts to resolve the fishermen row with Sri Lanka.

When asked about citizenship status to Lankan Tamils like in the case of Hindu immigrants from Bangladesh, Rao said both were two different issues. In the case of Bangladesh Hindus, they were suppressed of their religious and human rights. But in Lanka, the BJP government was duty bound to get political rights for Tamils there. (Colombo Gazette)

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