South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

Kashmir is undoubtedly the human rights hell of the world . The tale of human misfortune in Kashmir is of unprecedented nature. Every form of brutal human rights violations and tactics of suppression have been committed against the masses of Kashmir to quell their sentiments of solution and right to self determination . Most of the voices of conscience in the valley of Kashmir are irked by the realities of past and continuing degradation with relation to the human rights situation in Kashmir, the harsh and painful realities of one lakh Kashmiris have been killed in this conflict every minute strikes our mind.

The alleged crimes of the state forces, numbering more than half a million, against the people of Kashmir have according to reports of reputed human rights organizations and the ‘voices on ground’ reached genocidal proportions, presenting the worst example of state-sponsored abuse of these rights. The recent bloodbath at Chadoora Budgam represents the same painful fact as now forces are empowered enough to commit any crime in face of continued zest in Kashmir for freedom. Because, the people of Jammu and Kashmir were pledged by no less an authority than the UN Security Council to exercise their right to decide their future under conditions free from coercion and intimidation. But these resolutions were ignored and even peaceful movements have been badly crushed in this part of world by a country which calls itself the biggest democracy of the world. Every Peaceful movement of the Kashmiri people for the realization for their right and the respect for their fundamental human rights has been crushed with brute force by Indian state since 1947.
Moreover; the Indian authorities have done little to control these abuses. Members of the Indian army and security forces are almost never prosecuted for human rights violations in Kashmir. In the rare cases in which investigations have taken place, the most severe punishments for abuses have generally been limited to dismissals or suspensions from duty. Even during the recent Chadoora bloodbath Witnesses said people staged a peaceful protest in main town of Chadoora Budgam as People from various areas had to assemble at Chadoora. But the forces had sealed entry points, triggering anger among people who resorted to protests and clashes with forces, and unleashed brute force killing three young men wounding tens.

What have been the results of limitless inquiries ordered by the government post killings, rapes, tortures committed by the state forces the answer is big zero . The results have been like snow in desert which never happens. The big voices of the world have testified same sorry fact.
Sometime Back, renowned human rights expert, Brad Adams, Asia Director at Human Rights Watch, while commenting on the fake encounters in Kashmir had famously remarked:”This epidemic of fake ‘encounter killings’ by the security forces have plagued Kashmir for too long,” “The police must stop their standard operating procedure of killing people in custody.” “Too often we find that India’s security forces are deemed ‘above the law’ and are spared criminal prosecution despite committing grave human rights abuses. Extrajudicial executions by Indian security forces are common”, Brad Adams had said. “Recent revelations have confirmed what families in Kashmir have been alleging all along,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The Indian security forces have ‘disappeared’ countless people in Jammu and Kashmir since 1989 and staged fake encounter killings while fabricating claims that those killed were militants.” “When there are public demonstrations protesting a fake encounter killing, the official response usually is to offer an oral assurance of an inquiry, though these rarely happen. If such inquiries do take place, the findings are seldom made public. If any action is taken against those found responsible, that too is rarely made public”, added Brad Adams.

Enough is enough . Realities urge that the Indian state needs to wake up from the slumber and address the Kashmir dispute in a democratic manner as per the wishes of masses, which is also an ethos of a functioning democracy and shun the oppressive means. Ground sentiment to India is that nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.

By: Syed Tajamul Imran


Updated On: 14.04.2017