South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

Published in The Nagaland Post on Oct. 30 ::

An awareness campaign on child rights on the theme “ Empowering adolescent girls: Ending the cycle of violence”  was organized by the Nagaland Social Welfare Board (NSSWB) and State Resource Centre for Women (SRCW) on October 28 at Bloomfield Academy School and Gilgal High School, Wokha, where around 350 children attended the programme.

Addressing the children, Superintendent of Observation Home, Wokha, Wobenthung J Patton, shared about the universal rights of a child which are also enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the Constitution of India.

He made a special mention of Right to Education, Right to life, Right to Freedom of Expression, Right Against Exploitation of child labour and sexual exploitation.

Patton also stressed that every adult should take responsibility to ensure that every child are entitled to these rights and shared that a child has a right to grow in a family surrounded by love, care, and understanding.

He further informed that there are various schemes under the Department of Social Welfare that protects the children and also provide special care and assistance.

State Coordinator, SRCW, Gracy Aye, spoke on the theme and focused on different forms of violence occurring almost every day at home, on the streets, public transport, schools, neighbourhood and in the community.

She mentioned about sexual abuse, domestic violence, eve teasing, harassment, bullying etc. and urged the girls to stand and fight for their rights and not to remain silent if any such untoward events happen to them. Gracy also encouraged the boys to respect the girls and protect them.

In addition, the students participated in the Signature Campaign “I pledge to stand for my rights” which is being carried out in various schools.

The programme was chaired by programme coordinator of the Nagaland Adolescent Girls Club, Ruovinuo Kiewhuo.
