South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

Intellectuals for Human Rights (IfHR) said it was surprised by the government move to commission what it called a forceful registration of civilians, despite a court order issued preventing the act concerned.

The group also vehemently condemned the attack on a political meeting convened by the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarians at Jaffna and were deeply concerned about “deteriorating political freedom in the country.”

In a statement the IfHR said the government had commenced a process of forcefully registering the civilians in several areas of the North, while an ordinary house to house census was being conducted islandwide.

Quoting media reports it said that despite protests by the people, photographs of all the members of the families are being taken. The Media further reveals that the government forces are employed to collect information from the households, the statement stated.

The IfHR added that it was clear evidence of continued militarization of the north instead of establishing civil administration after the devastating war ended two years ago.

The group demanded the government to stop this conduct and requested all human rights agencies, activists as well as civil society organizations to join hands against the “increasing trend of human rights violations in the country.”

Source: Daily Mirror – 21.06.2011