South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

A human rights activist, two advocates and seven other persons were arrested on sedition charges on Saturday night in Cuddalore district.

Police said human rights activist Prabha Kalvimani, advocates Karthikeyan and Thirumurugan and state organiser of a pro-LTTE outfit, Balaguru and Nagai Mugan from Chennai, made pro-LTTE statements at a conference held on Saturday night. The speakers also made anti-India remarks when a police team intervened and took all the 10 speakers into custody. They chased away about 250 persons from the conference venue. Police booked the 10 persons under section 124-A (Sedition) and 153-B (Imputations, assertions prejudicial to national-integration) and produced them before a local court, which remanded them in judicial custody.

The speakers at the conference organised by pro-LTTE outfits demanded immediate release of Nalini, one of the convicted persons in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case. They also demanded monetary compensation for her. Police said the speakers at the conference warned the government that it would have to pay for every pro-LTTE person who sacrificed his or her life for the cause of Sri Lankan Tamils.

“They mooted the idea of joining hands with China to fight Sri Lanka saying the Indian government had miserably failed to uphold the right of Lankan Tamils.” police sources said.

Source: Daily Mirror – 25.01.2011