South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

LAHORE: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has attributed Wednesday’s attacks on Shia processions to the continued failure of the state to confront the causes and perpetrators of extremism and violence in the country.
In a statement issued on Thursday, the HRCP said, “The attacks on religious processions in Lahore and Karachi have once again highlighted the fact that besides posing a threat to the integrity and stability of the state the militants, operating under the umbrella of belief, will inevitably step up violence against the sects they disagree with.
“As a rule, such attacks have been followed by an exclusive focus on the security aspect and not at all on the extremist organisations that orchestrate these attacks or the root causes of intolerance. One such organisation has claimed the responsibility of the attacks in Lahore. The government may have banned extremist groups in theory, but they retain their ability to strike at will,” the statement added.
Source: Daily Times – 03.09.2010