South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

ISLAMABAD: The Human Rights Commission has decided to take serious measures as a result of increasing cases of sexual harassment and burning incidents against women. The Prime Minister’s Action Plan for Human Rights has been implemented for which the premier has earmarked Rs 750 million.

The documents of Human Rights Ministry revealed that out of this fund, Rs 100 million would be utilized for providing free of cost legal aid to women, whereas Rs 400 million would be used on awareness campaign on HR.

The Ministry of Human Rights has taken these steps to prevent escalating events of violence against women under the article 149 of the constitution.

In accordance with a report 143 incidents of acid throwing on women, 939 ladies were sexually assaulted, 279 women were subjected to domestic violence , 833 women were kidnapped and 777 women committed suicide by dejected from their circumstances during last one year.

Similarly the Ministry of Human Rights has also taken the notice against the recent incidents like a girl Maria was burnt on May 30 this year at Upper Deval near Murree. Moreover, a girl named Zeenat was cruelly murdered at Lahore on May 29.

In Sialkot, a brother killed his sister Anam Masih on the name of honour. In Gujranwala real parents killed their daughter on her marriage without their consent. At the same city a 23 years old Nagina was killed.

Ministry of Human Rights told the Senate Standing Committee that crises centers are being made to protect the rights of women and all the laws regarding gender discrimination would be reviewed.

The ministry also informed the committee that a helpline 1099 would also be established to safeguard the women rights, from where they would be provided free legal assistance.

The prerogative of Human Rights Commission of taking suo moto action on HR violations has also been expanded.

The ministry would also commence a mass awareness programme to get people informed about the protection of women rights and for that purpose electronic and print media would be utilized >Similarly the right of children would also be ensured.

Updated On: 02-Aug-16