South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has raised the issue of Indian violation of human rights in occupied Kashmir at United Nations, and Human Rights Minister Kamran Michael led a protest gathering outside UN office in solidarity with Kashmiris.

Addressing the rally, Michael said India cannot silence the voice of Kashmiris through suppression. He said the government will not leave any stone unturned in brining world attention to the Kashmir issue.

Michael said India is committing a historic mistake by trying to land lock Kashmir. Pakistan will continue moral and political support of Kashmiris at all costs, he added. He demanded that international and Indian human rights organizations should push Indian government to stop violence.

The use of pellet guns by India is not only injuring Kashmiris but also all notions of humanity, he said. It is the promise of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to Kashmiris to stand by them. He was of the view that Pakistan has proved its commitment to peace by inviting India to talks on the issue. Michael invited India to take this offer seriously. Various slogans against Indian violence and Kashmir’s right to freedom were raised at the protest.

Updated On: September 05, 2016