South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

By Srinath Prasanna Jayasuriya

The Directress and the Coordination Secretary of the Non-Government Organisation, Non-Violent Peace Force have been deported from Sri Lanka.

Controller of Immigration and Emigration Chulananda Perera told the Daily Mirror that they were deported on the information given by the State Intelligence Unit.

On that order both of them had left the country on Wednesday (7).

The deported were the Directress of Non-Violent Peace Force, a Canadian National T. Easthom and the Coordinating Secretary, a Pakistani National Ali Mohammad.

Both of them have been blacklisted states the Department of Immigration and Emigration.

A visa had been issued to the Directress to remain in the country till September. In the meantime the visa of the Pakistani national expired on June 30 and was ordered to leave the country without renewing his visa.

Source: Daily Mirror – 09.07.2010

For More on Human Rights
Transparency International, Sri Lanka –
Centre for Policy Alternatives –
The India and Pakistan pages would give you a rough idea on the above.