South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

HC Judgment on the PIL filed by ASK and Aparajeo Bangladesh
The High Court asked the Government to eliminate bonded child labour carried out in the coastal areas victimising fishermen. The HC also asked the Labour and Employment Ministry to stop within a year the production of Bidi outside the factories engaging child labour at houses through sub-contracts.
The court directives came following a PIL writ petition jointly filed by Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) and Aparajeo Bangladesh, following newspaper reports published six years ago disclosing the painful and hazardous life of the children working in Bidi factories in Haragachha of Rangpur. A Vacation Bench comprising Justice Iman Ali and Justice Obaidul Hasan delivered the judgment.
The HC also ordered the Government to amend the Labour Law 2006 as the provision for child labour compensation and punishment for breaching the rules by the children-dominated factory owners is inadequate. In addition, the HC asked the Government to pay cash incentives equivalent to wages foregone to the ultra poor child labour, who would attend school leaving his factory.
Advocate Nayeem Ahmed, Abu Obaidur Rahman and Abantee Nurul appeared for the petitioners.