South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

New York: It is up to the member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council to take a decision to consider the report of the Expert Panel appointed by the UN Secretary-General to probe Sri Lanka’s accountability during the last phase of its conflict with Tamil Tiger terrorists.

Responding to a media query on the UN’s follow-up on the report, Martin Nesirky, the Spokesperson for Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said Monday that it is for Member States of the Human Rights Council to look at.

“It is for the member States of the Human Rights Council now to look at. It (the report) is has been passed to them, and it is for them to look at,” Nesirky said.

The question on Sri Lanka’s accountability issue was raised at the press briefing Monday following the release of a report by the New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Sri Lanka.

On the matter of how the UN system, the different parts of the UN family responded as a whole during Sri Lanka’s crisis, the Spokesperson said, there is no conclusion yet with respect to the study on the response but it is under way.

Source: Colombo Page ( – 27/1/2012

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