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The Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM) has written to the Bangladeshi National Human Rights Commission asking that it intervene in the case of the public humiliation and molestation of a 25 year old female, Ms. Shahinur Shajir, who was set upon by Border Security Personnel.
In the letter, addressed to the Chairman of the Bangladeshi National Human Rights Commission, MASUM details the incident in which the female mentioned was undressed in public, in the presence of several males, groped, molested and even physically abused by BSF personnel who insisted on searching her.
The letter draws attention to the fact that the victims human rights were violated and asked that a neutral investigation be launched into the incident, under the auspices of the National Human Rights Commission, in which the accused BSF personnel are arrested, brought before Court and duly prosecuted for their offenses. In addition, the letter demands the victim be compensated for the abuse meted on her, and that protection be offered her so that any future retaliation is successfully thwarted.