South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

He demands removal of prisons chief

The chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) was not allowed to visit Sylhet Central Jail yesterday.

NHRC Chairman Prof Mizanur Rahman said that by not letting him in the prison, the inspector general of prisons violated NHRC Act 2009 and for that he should be removed.

If necessary, NHRC will move to the High Court against the IG prisons, he said while talking to reporters yesterday. .

Jailer Nesar Alam Mukul quoted the IG prisons as saying that without prior permission from the home ministry, one cannot visit the prison.

Mizan, however, told The Daily Star that as per the 2009 act, the commission staff can visit any place like prison without any prior approval.

The commission will suggest that the government should check whether human rights are being violated in jails and other government institutions, and take steps to improve the HR situation in them, Mizan said.

Source: The Daily Star – 30.09.2011