South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

PESHAWAR: Corps Commander Peshawar Asif Yaseen Malik has categorically rejected the alleged reports about arrest and shooting of miscreants in Malakand Division saying that speculations were spread by vested elements to defame Pakistan Army.
He expressed these views while addressing the inaugural session of the five days workshop on ‘Human Rights Laws and Rules of Engagements Awareness’ and a brief chat with the news men here at the Corps Headquarters on Wednesday.
Field Commanders of the 11th Corps were in attendance. Renowned journalist Syed Talat Hussain was the guest speaker.
With regard to allegations of human rights violations by the security personnel in the conflict zones, he said that being Muslims the soldiers were more aware of human rights and were strictly following these norms to avoid civilian casualties.
The operations conducted by Pakistan Army were against miscreants and not against the people, he clarified.
The Peshawar Corps Commander said that anti-terrorist courts were being set up in Malakand Division where the trials of terrorists were being carried out.
He said that the army would stay in tribal areas till the situation got better adding that security situation was comparatively peaceful in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Peshawar.
Mr Malik said that one terror incident should not be related to overall situation of law and order in the province adding that security situation was relatively better in Peshawar, Mardan and Mingora.
With regard to killing of Provincial Information Minister Mian Iftikhar’s son, he said that Mr Iftikhar was targeted in view of his tough stance against terrorists and for his vocal support of the army and governments’ policy on war against terror.
In reply to a question, Gen Malik said that due to the successful operations of the army the terrorists had suffered great losses in their native areas and were targeting innocent civilians out of sheer frustration.
The success of army could be gauged from the comments being made by local populace about success of the military operations in the restive areas, he added.
Journalist Talat Hussain spoke at length about UN resolutions on human rights and implications for Fata/Malakand operations.
Source: Dawn – 29.07.2010