South Asians for Human Rights

Promoting Democracy, Upholding Human Rights

Published in Dhaka Tribune on Sep. 02 ::

The rights watchdog released a 16-page report in this regard on Tuesday

Amnesty international has shown concern on force disappearances, torture and restriction on freedom of expression in Bangladesh, urging the authority to take proper action. It has shown profound anxiety at the violence those were created during the last national election, which was boycotted by the chief opposition party.
According to the press release, the rights watch dog is also” disturbed as no measure was taken against the people who were culpable for those malevolent acts and also who are involved with unlawful killing including the infamous extra judicial ones those were conducted by law enforcing agent.”
Amnesty international is frightened of the already tumultuous situation of human right and a supposed plan of suffocate the voice of media by executing some barring and policy upon the freedom of media will make it even worse.
Amnesty International has reported on a catalog of human rights violations in Bangladesh in recent years, which are ongoing and have not been addressed. These include enforced disappearances, torture, restricting the right to freedom of expression,  extra judicial executions, violence against minorities, violence against women, the situation of the indigenous people of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, and the death penalty.
However, the organisation has expressed satisfaction over the improvement of poverty gap, attaining
gender parity in primary and secondary education, containing HIV infection, lowering the infant mortality rate and maternal mortality ratio and reducing the under-five mortality rate.
“Hence the ever downward human right situation index is creating more discomfort with those positives,” it added.
Amnesty is also anxious about the use of section 57 of the information and communication technology which restricts freedom of expression.
“The government of Bangladesh must respond to long standing calls by both national and international human rights organizations and stop torture,” said Abbas Faiz, Amnesty Internationale’s Bangladesh Researcher.
The government had responded saying that “any law [in regard to a new media policy] would be formulated in consultation with all concerned, including representatives of the electronic media”. No details were given about the format of such consultation, the briefing said.
Amnesty has asked government to stop enforced disappearances, stop torture and deaths in custody, safeguard freedom and expression.
To ensure them they also have recommended some suggestions to authority like Immediately release anyone subjected to an enforced disappearance, unless they can be charged with a recognizably criminal offence, in which case immediately present them before a court,  Ensure their safety and well-being while they are in custody etc.
“Amnesty International will be monitoring the developments in cases highlighted in this briefing as a test of the government’s determination to address the human rights concerns we have highlighted,” said Abbas Faiz.
“We urge the authorities to engage seriously with all the recommendations we are making.”
