South Asians for Human Rights

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Religious fanatics set the largest Hindu temple at Bhuiyanpur upazila in Tangail ablaze in the wee hours yesterday.

The identity of the culprits could not be confirmed but local Hindus alleged that Jamaat-Shibir men were involved in torching Sarbojonin Kali Mondir at Falda Bazar.

Quoting witnesses, Abu Obaida, officer-in-charge (investigation) of Bhuiyanpur Police Station, said the criminals entered the temple around 1:00am and set it on fire after pouring petrol.

Six idols inside the temple were damaged before fire fighting units from Tangail and Bhuiyanpur fire stations rushed to the spot and doused the fire, he added.

Hares Ali Miah, officer-in-charge of the police station, said police detained Mohammad Asad, 20, of Falda village, in connection with his alleged involvement in the incident.

Locals brought out a procession in the morning protesting arson attack on the temple, reports our correspondent in Tangail.
Shajahan Ali Miah, additional superintendent of police (Gopalpur Circle), Md Iamin Khan, upazila nirbahi officer, visited the spot and assured people of the minority communities of bringing the culprits to book.

In Patuakhali, fanatics destroyed the idol of Hindu goddess Kali in a 250-year-old temple at Sutabaria village of Galachipa upazila on Monday.

Nikhil Chandra Gangulee, priest of the temple, said “I offered worship at the temple around 11:00 am and later left the place after locking its iron gate.”

Around 3:30 pm, Molina Rani Dutta went to a pond situated near the temple and found the lock of its iron gate broken, he said.
As she screamed, locals rushed to the spot and found the idol damaged, he added.

Abdul Motaleb, acting officer-in-charge of Galachipa Police Station, said a police team had been sent to investigate the incident, reports our Patuakhali correspondent.

Ershad Hossain Badol, chairman of the upazila, said some miscreants might have damaged the idol in a pre-planned way to destroy religious harmony in the locality.

Source: The Daily Star – 03/04/2013 (