SAHR Condemn the Attack on MTV/MBC Network Office in Sri Lanka

South Asians for Human Rights vehemently condemn the attack on the MTV/MBC office at Braybrooke Place, Sri Lanka on 22nd March 2010. The attackers forced themselves into the premises of the head office of the Sirasa media network while hurling stones and other objects causing extensive damage to the building and surrounding vehicles. Several members of the Sirasa staff have also sustained injuries due to this attack.

SAHR also notes with dismay and concern the many other attacks, murders and arbitrary arrests of media personnel during the past months in Sri Lanka. The increase in such acts and the pathetic attempts at investigation of these acts portray the level of impunity in the country.

SAHR  calls for an independent unbiased investigation to be conducted ensuring that the perpetrators are brought to justice to face a fair trial. SAHR also underlines the responsibility of a truly democratic state, to protect media freedom, and thus call upon relevant authorities to ensure the protection of media organisations thereby preventing such incidents in future.

On behalf of South Asians for Human Rights

Dr Hameeda Hossain

Co-Chair SAHR


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