23 NOV.: Panel Discussion on Promotion, Protection and Enforcement of ESC Right to Housing and Protection against Arbitrary Eviction

The Panel Discussion on Promotion, Protection and Enforcement of ESC Right to Housing and Protection against Arbitrary Eviction is scheduled to be held as a part of the Peoples’ SAARC Convergence held on 23rd November 2014 at the People’s SAARC Venue (LDTA Small Hall B) in Kathmandu, Nepal. 
This consultation aims to identify the trends and achievements in advocacy and legal enforcement of the specific ESC right and the protection against arbitrary eviction with the intention of proposing and formulating effective strategies in the South Asian nations of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The discussion will focus on the status of the achievement of the right to housing and protection against arbitrary evictions in South Asia in terms of the domestic Constitutional and relevant legal provisions and the Government’s compliance with obligations of relevant UN instruments (UN Covenant, Special Rapporteurs etc.)
Please email us at [email protected] if you require an invitation and the agenda for the event.