Sri Lankan National Consultation on IDPs

In Sri Lanka, the consultation involved about 30 people from both NGOs and INGOs. All of the invitees had some experience working in the field of displacement, and efforts were made to involve a wide range of experts in order to have the concerns of the various populations they deal with, heard at this consultation. The consultation’s focus was to find means of operationalising the United Nations Guiding Principles on Displacement (Deng Principles), and this was on the final session in the agenda. The prior sessions included one where presentations were made on four different IDP populations within Sri Lanka, with the emphasis being that they face unique challenges and as such require unique solutions. Preceding this were presentations from the author of the background paper on IDPs in Sri Lanka, as well as a couple of presentations on providing humanitarian assistance in shrinking humanitarian space, and the way forward from early recovery.

For the full report, click here.