The Tenth session of the Legislature-Parliament, which began early May, and continued during the month of June and July, is still in session. Altogether 17 meetings were convened in July. The major highlights of those meetings are as follows:
The twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh meeting of the Tenth session of Legislature- Parliament commenced on 3 July 2011, at 16:10 hours, presided by the Speaker, Rt. Hon’ble Subas Chandra Nembang. The meeting began with the Rt. Hon’ble Prime Minister, Mr. Jhala Nath Khanal, submitting the Policies and Programs of the Government of Nepal 2068/69 B.S., to the Rt. Hon’ble President, Dr. Ram Baran Yadav who was to present the Policies and the Programs in the very sitting of the Parliament. The government’s policies and programs presented to the Parliament had something for everyone, but lacked priority and focus. From climate change to cultural heritage preservation, the policies envisioned to create a socialist economy in the long run. The Policy is aimed at national unity, integrity and sovereignty, ending all types of discrimination. Completing the task of drafting the constitution, maintaining constitutional supremacy, the rule of law and good governance, protecting and promoting human rights, and implementing past agreements between different political parties is the key, according to the Policy Paper. Having read out the document provided by the Prime Minister, President, Dr. Yadav, also said that the country was at a critical juncture in history. He requested the Assembly to lead the people towards prosperity by institutionalizing peace and constitution and providing stability.
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