Parliament Watch, Nepal – May 2011 Report

The month of May began with the new session of the Legislature-Parliament. The Tenth session commenced on Monday, 2 May 2011, and is still in session. As many as 13 meetings were convened;1 the major highlights of these 13 meetings of the Tenth session are the following:

The first meeting of the Tenth session of the Legislature-Parliament commenced on 2 May 2011, at 16:20 hours, presided by the Speaker, Rt. Hon’ble Subas Chandra Nembang. As soon as the meeting started, members of different political parties, namely: Hon’ble Rukmini Chaudhary of the Federal Democratic National Front, Hon’ble Bishwendra Paswan of the Dalit Janajati Party, Hon’ble Buddha Ratna Manandhar of the Nepal National Party, and an Independent Member Hon’ble Sadrul Miya Haque requested time to speak but the Speaker denied their request and notified that the formal proceedings will start only after reading out the letter received from the President’s Office that summoned the Tenth session of the parliament. These members, however, started chanting slogans, defying the ruling of the Speaker. Nevertheless, the Speaker did manage to read out the letter and welcomed the members of all political parties attending the first meeting of the Tenth session. Then the meeting was adjourned till 15:00 hours, Sunday, the 8 May 2011.

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