Economic and social (ESC) rights have gained increasing legal recognition and it is today undeniable that adjudication of ESC rights has matured as witnessed by national experiences in countries like India, Colombia, the Philippines, Canada and South Africa and many others. The transformative potential of ESC rights, particularly in combating poverty at local levels is well recognized in the human rights discourse.
SAHR believes that as a regional organization it has a crucial role to play in the struggle against poverty in the South Asian region by way of advancement and definition of ESC rights. As a result of its composition, lobbying capacities and monitoring SAHR is well placed to undertake this initiative. SAHR will provide the much needed knowledge base to the relevant South Asian communities such as judges, lawyers and NGO workers to enhance their capacities in relation to strategic human rights litigation particularly in the areas of labor practices, right to housing and protection against arbitrary evictions and right to health. SAHR also believes this will be of benefit to those with influence with the Legislature. Legal empowerment of women through strategic litigation will also be a special focus of this project.
SAHR wishes to respond to emerging issues such as food security in the South Asian region. A study on food security in the context of ESC rights will be an important aspect of this area.