South Asians for Human Rights (SAHR) is pleased to release the report on the “Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in South Asia: Justiciability and Beyond”, the second phase of its efforts to increase justiciability of ESCR cases in South Asia. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the extent of justiciability of ESC Rights in the South Asian region. This follows the initial phase of formulating a database of judicial decisions on Economic, Social Rights in South Asia. (The database of judicial decisions on ESC rights can be accessed here).
This report entails the international human rights framework on ESC rights with a detailed account of the main rights and nature of state obligations arising from the rights guaranteed; an overview of the guarantees of ESC rights in the constitutions of countries in South Asia; details of several emblematic cases on ESC rights that have been brought before the courts in South Asia and the contribution of such cases in strengthening the enforcement of ESC rights; and a brief discussion on the role of civil society organisations in promoting and strengthening the enforcement of ESC rights.
The report can be accessed here.